Angry Children: How To Help Them
When it comes to showing anger, adults do not hesitate to verbally express it but children have much different ways of dealing with anger. Here are some obvious signs that your child may need help and what to do to help them.Kids are normally forthcoming with regards to sharing feelings and emotions. While your child may be burdened with feelings of pain and guilt, you will never learn it from a conversation without knowing how to steer the conversation with the right questions. However, you can know a child's real feelings because they are usually displayed in their visible behavior.
When a child is sad they may keep to themselves or have little to say. When a child feels guilty they may avoid people and stay in their room. When a child is angry they may break their toys, scream or throw a tantrum. Children are not always verbal about their emotions but their actions often speak louder than words.
When kids show signs of anger, bursting into fits or rage and rolling around the floor in tantrums, this is a sign that there is a problem that cannot be ignored. This should tell you that your child needs help that you, as a parent, can give even though you may be the target of the anger. Left untreated, this problem could evolve into a mountain of difficulty in the future.
If you are worried about a child with behavioral trouble regarding anger, professional anger management tolls are available and can be effective in dealing with a child's problems with anger. Finding the best program or person to help will require some research and experimenting. Many different resources provide tips about anger management for kids. There are books, movies and plenty of helpful information provided by sites on the Internet.
Helping a child deal with their emotions will involve special programs geared toward kids because a child will not benefit from adult anger management programs, nor will they benefit from taking an adult anger management course. These programs are just too mature for children. Their minds are not mature enough to openly talk about their feelings. In fact, they may not understand what's happening and blame themselves for the problem.
As a rule, even a professional counselor will not expect a child to open up and tell them the exact emotion which is making them angry. These are details which must be discovered through a series of activities regarding anger management for kids.
Kids respond best to activities. Activities involving games are smart tools to use to help the child display the real reasons behind their anger. Activities will teach them positive values and show them acceptable behavior traits through various games. Activities are much more effective than a one-on-one session with an anger management counselor. Providing them with worksheets, coloring pages, puzzles and quizzes makes anger management for kids more interesting and enjoyable. In this way, children actually participate in a program that helps them without actually realizing it.
Anger management is also a hard concept to explain to small children because they are unaware of their exact feelings and they are not equipped to think quickly and rationalize their decisions. You cannot talk a child out of being angry by trying to treat them as having adult reasoning skills. That will just frustrate your child and, perhaps, make them feel even more inadequate. This is why activities, which are fun and do not require logical thinking, work best.
Teaching your child anger management skills now is essential to prevent them from becoming difficult adults, something that could negatively affect how they interact in the world and, thus, negatively impact their personal and financial future. A child needs to learn how to behave appropriately in different situations. The must know that it is perfectly fine to be upset but they must also understand that their anger should not be used in a negative way. When they become adults they will use these skills to be happier and well balanced.
Teaching kids anger management skills early in life will provide building blocks for their future. Through repetitious activities and practices, kids will eventually learn how to manage their anger. The upside is a more balanced child who grows into a more balanced adult and, for you, the upside is a much more peaceful home.
One final note: If you, the parent, suffer from outbursts of anger, your child is taking a cue from you so, perhaps, you too need to seek resources that can help you manage your anger. (Jim DeSantis)
Is Your Child Suffering From Teen Depression ?
Is Your Child Suffering From Teen Depression Teen Depression is a rapidly growing concern in our society today. Aside from obesity, teen depression is one of the major concerns affecting our youth today. Reaching near epidemic proportions, teen depression is immensely contributing to countless numbers of teen deaths via suicide –thousands per year and countless more attempts. Teen depression can be a difficult problem to diagnose for parents, as many teens often will not open-up with their parents and when it comes to depression many will not talk to their friends because of the status quo of depression. Teen depression symptoms are very much the same as adults. Some of the symptoms include: • Lack of motivation or general interest in normal daily activities • Feelings of hopelessness • Any suicidal thoughts • Signs of withdrawal from everyday friends If you suspect your teen may be depressed, talk to him or her and take them to your doctor. Anti-Depressant drugs are widely prescribed today but may not be the only option available. Scientific studies over the past few years have reached some startling conclusions about teen depression. Recently, several studies have concluded that suicide rates have actually gone up for teens taking antidepressant drugs; the validity of such studies has yet to be determined. Many of the patients who are taking heavy doses of antidepressants are generally suicidal anyway, so it makes it difficult to tell if the drug itself is actually contributing to suicide or if the teens are either not taking their drugs, or the drugs are not acting quickly enough to relieve depression. It should also be noted that the use of anti-depressant drugs have probably helped more teens than not. Thorough research should be done before making any decisions to take anti-depressants. Talk to friends and family and ask around if they know anyone taking anti-depressant drugs and their successes. After starting treatment careful monitoring of you child should be done by you and your doctor. Many times 1 type of anti-depressant may not work so another can be tried. There are other treatment options available for your depressed child. Depression chat through counseling is one possible option if your child is not suffering from severe depression. Alternatively, you could consider electroconvulsive therapy or nerve stimulation as possible treatment options for those suffering with teen depression. Magnetic and hormone based therapies are also possibilities for treatment, but they are completely experimental at this point and nobody knows for sure yet if they will actually work to prevent depression in the long term. Understanding depression and its symptoms should help you determine what type of depression your child may or may not have and help you to seek out the professional that may be needed. Dennis M Driscoll Understanding Depression. (Dennis Driscoll)
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Puji syukur kita panjatkan pada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena atas berkat dan anugerahnya kita dapat...(kayak pidato aja.. hahaha).
Sebenarnya tips dan trik yang akan saya informasikan di sini hanya untuk membantu sesama newbie (karena saya juga newbie nih).. Newbie?? Makhluk apaan tuh? ga ngerti nih gw!! Kalo yang saya tau sih newbie itu adalah orang-orang yang baru mengenal dan berkecimpung di di suatu bidang., jadi untuk yang udah master jangan ngejek yak.. ok2..
Nah sekarang langsung "TU DE POIN" aja ok..
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Sebenarnya tips dan trik yang akan saya informasikan di sini hanya untuk membantu sesama newbie (karena saya juga newbie nih).. Newbie?? Makhluk apaan tuh? ga ngerti nih gw!! Kalo yang saya tau sih newbie itu adalah orang-orang yang baru mengenal dan berkecimpung di di suatu bidang., jadi untuk yang udah master jangan ngejek yak.. ok2..
Nah sekarang langsung "TU DE POIN" aja ok..
Natural Cosmetics Product Review
How to distinguish natural cosmetics from synthetic cosmetics?Aside from reading product labels and knowing how to understand and decipher them. Learn how to perform your own product testing and review. Too difficult? Don’t fret, it is not that complicated. You do this every time you choose wholesome food at the grocery store. Surely, you read product labels to purchase the freshest, most natural, food? You analyze, consistency, feel, texture, smell, and taste. Subsequently, tasting it will assure you, whether your purchase was worth it. How does your stomach feel? Did you feel tired and bloated? All of these questions will determine future purchases. You see, who needs to be a chemist or cook to answer these questions?
How can we apply this to cosmetics?
We can use this same deductive reasoning when it comes to purchasing cosmetics. As a wise consumer, examine closely the product label as well as the ingredients. Do the promises seem too good to be true? Does the product promise to eradicate wrinkles. What ingredient will do this? Also consider this, if the ingredient is so miraculous, then why could you not purchase this ingredient by itself and get the same results? You would be paying far less money. With this type of deductive reasoning, question each ingredient as to why it is included in the product. Beware of hype!
What is the shelf life of the product?
How long will the product remain fresh? Most products, even natural cosmetics, can’t last for very long. However, if they are loaded with preservatives, they can theoretically last for many years. This is because preservatives release a chemical called Formaldehyde. This substance is so strong that mortuaries use it to retard the putrification of corpses. Why would anyone use a cosmetic that contains embalming fluid? Therefore, beware of Propylparabens, Ethylparabens, and Butylparabens. Even a little bit of these chemicals on the skin can cause serious kidney and liver damage!
What kind of emollients should be used?
Have you noticed the greasy coating on fruits and vegetables at the supermarket? Have you ever tried to rinse it off? Next to impossible! Do you know what this coating is? It is mineral oil, or Vaseline. It is a byproduct of gasoline production. It keeps water from evaporating from fruits and vegetables. This coating increaes their shelf life. Also, it makes them look shinier and more appealing for increased sales. Most consumers have become so accustomed to it that they no longer question it. However, would you substitute baby oil for corn oil in your salad dressing? Or make your mayonaise from Vaseline? Repulsive, you say? They are not meant to be used on humans? Well, the cosmetic industry uses these very same oils as emollients. It clogs pores, does not wash away. So it rides on top of the skin, sealing it, making you think that your skin is moisturized. But this is dangerous. This is why fish and wildlife suffer and die slowly when oil tankers spill petroleum. Skin does not breathe when skin is encapsulated like this. Actually, it is like wrapping your skin with cellophane. Neither your skin breathes well, nor does it perspire.
How natural cosmetics feel?
Completely natural oils function differently on the skin than petroleum. The human body has an affinity for natural substances. They are instantly recognized by the body as something similar, and therefore slowly metabolized. That is why after a few hours a natural moisturizer will be completely absorbed by the skin and assimilated. When you begin to first use a completely natural product you will wonder why it feels like it has dissipated so quickly. In actuality, it has not disappeared, but rather it has soaked into the lower skin stratum. It will actually take quite a few repeated applications for your thirsty skin to slow down the process of lapping it up. With time you will see a marginalizing of wrinkles, a reduction of over-production of sebum, and a more even skin tone. This wonderful progress should not be interrupted by the use of something synthetic. Why, this will actually confuse the skin. It would be like eating a healthy meal,and interrupting it by eating a Twinkyl. This would certainly give you a stomach ache and the body would not be able to properly digest the wholesome food.
How to do the cuticle test.
A very effective way to test a cosmetic is by applying it to cracked and dried cuticles. Because this area of the body is so thin and sensitive, it will show you how your face will react to this product. Also, it will safeguard your face from a bad reaction to the product. At the cosmetics counter, put some cream on your cuticle and spend some time shopping in another area of the store. This will help save you from unwittingly bringing the product home. Also it will save you time and money.. If you feel a stinging sensation, similar to what you would feel from lemon juice poured on a paper cut, then this product will cause skin sensitivity. On the other hand, if you feel no stinging, but rather a soothing feeling, you can be assured that this product will welcomed by your skin. By this simple test, you will be able to quickly eliminate the majority of products which will sooner or later cause a bad reaction to your skin. (Xavier Roget)
Five Steps in Choosing a College That's Right For You
Education is one of your valuable investments because it will affect your future. Your lifestyle may affected by the type of education and the level of degree you earn and use to start your future career. Hence, you need to choose a college that's right for you which offering an education program that meet your needs. Here are 5 simple steps to help you narrow down your selection before you decide the one that best fit your career goal.
1.Choose Your Future Career
What type of career you are going to choose when entering workplace? Although sometimes ambition and reality are 2 different things, but if you know what you like and don't like can help to determine your area of study. You may have many careers in mind that you like to be when you start your future career. List them down and narrow your scope to a few careers that you like the most.
If you like to know your strength and tendencies, then doing a career assessment test can help you to reveal the best careers that fit you. You can easily find those career assessment tests on Internet and do the assessment yourself.
2. Matching courses with colleges
Once you know what you are aiming for your future career, you will know what subject to major in your college degree program. The next thing you need to do is find and list down colleges that offer you targeted degree programs. You may end up having over 20 colleges on your list. One important factor that you need to ensure for your short listed colleges is: they might be fully accredited by national or regional accrediting agency that is recognized by The Ministry of Education. Other factors to consider are: the college's graduation rates, and its reputation.
3. Narrowing Your List To Colleges You Are Qualified For
Normally top colleges require you to have high SAT scores for admission. If you are a student with average SAT scores, which you may not be qualified for Harvard, then you should aim to apply colleges with admission criteria that your SAT scores are qualified for. Your list can be further narrow down to colleges that meet your criteria such as fund from your parents, scholarships or grants, and available of on-campus work study if you need to earn money to support your study. If possible, narrow down your list to top five colleges of your choice.
4. Discussion With Your Parents & Submit Applications
Next, consult your parents on your colleges selection, they may provide helpful opinions and guide you through in making the final, important decision. You may discard one or two more colleges from you list after your discussion with your parents. Once you get the final list, fill-out the application forms and mail them as soon as possible so that your applications arrive at the colleges before the due date.
5. Finalize A College
Within a few weeks, you will receive responses from the colleges where you sent your applications. You may get more than one acceptance letters, you need to decide and select one of them. Before you make your final decision, you probably want to visit the campuses together with your parents. Compare these colleges and select the best among them.
Selecting the right college which offered your favorite degree program that meets your career goal is important to ensure you get the right degree to start your dreamed career. Hopefully the above tips help you in finding a college or university as you make career choices.
1.Choose Your Future Career
What type of career you are going to choose when entering workplace? Although sometimes ambition and reality are 2 different things, but if you know what you like and don't like can help to determine your area of study. You may have many careers in mind that you like to be when you start your future career. List them down and narrow your scope to a few careers that you like the most.
If you like to know your strength and tendencies, then doing a career assessment test can help you to reveal the best careers that fit you. You can easily find those career assessment tests on Internet and do the assessment yourself.
2. Matching courses with colleges
Once you know what you are aiming for your future career, you will know what subject to major in your college degree program. The next thing you need to do is find and list down colleges that offer you targeted degree programs. You may end up having over 20 colleges on your list. One important factor that you need to ensure for your short listed colleges is: they might be fully accredited by national or regional accrediting agency that is recognized by The Ministry of Education. Other factors to consider are: the college's graduation rates, and its reputation.
3. Narrowing Your List To Colleges You Are Qualified For
Normally top colleges require you to have high SAT scores for admission. If you are a student with average SAT scores, which you may not be qualified for Harvard, then you should aim to apply colleges with admission criteria that your SAT scores are qualified for. Your list can be further narrow down to colleges that meet your criteria such as fund from your parents, scholarships or grants, and available of on-campus work study if you need to earn money to support your study. If possible, narrow down your list to top five colleges of your choice.
4. Discussion With Your Parents & Submit Applications
Next, consult your parents on your colleges selection, they may provide helpful opinions and guide you through in making the final, important decision. You may discard one or two more colleges from you list after your discussion with your parents. Once you get the final list, fill-out the application forms and mail them as soon as possible so that your applications arrive at the colleges before the due date.
5. Finalize A College
Within a few weeks, you will receive responses from the colleges where you sent your applications. You may get more than one acceptance letters, you need to decide and select one of them. Before you make your final decision, you probably want to visit the campuses together with your parents. Compare these colleges and select the best among them.
Selecting the right college which offered your favorite degree program that meets your career goal is important to ensure you get the right degree to start your dreamed career. Hopefully the above tips help you in finding a college or university as you make career choices.