Natural Cosmetics Product Review
How to distinguish natural cosmetics from synthetic cosmetics?Aside from reading product labels and knowing how to understand and decipher them. Learn how to perform your own product testing and review. Too difficult? Don’t fret, it is not that complicated. You do this every time you choose wholesome food at the grocery store. Surely, you read product labels to purchase the freshest, most natural, food? You analyze, consistency, feel, texture, smell, and taste. Subsequently, tasting it will assure you, whether your purchase was worth it. How does your stomach feel? Did you feel tired and bloated? All of these questions will determine future purchases. You see, who needs to be a chemist or cook to answer these questions?
How can we apply this to cosmetics?
We can use this same deductive reasoning when it comes to purchasing cosmetics. As a wise consumer, examine closely the product label as well as the ingredients. Do the promises seem too good to be true? Does the product promise to eradicate wrinkles. What ingredient will do this? Also consider this, if the ingredient is so miraculous, then why could you not purchase this ingredient by itself and get the same results? You would be paying far less money. With this type of deductive reasoning, question each ingredient as to why it is included in the product. Beware of hype!
What is the shelf life of the product?
How long will the product remain fresh? Most products, even natural cosmetics, can’t last for very long. However, if they are loaded with preservatives, they can theoretically last for many years. This is because preservatives release a chemical called Formaldehyde. This substance is so strong that mortuaries use it to retard the putrification of corpses. Why would anyone use a cosmetic that contains embalming fluid? Therefore, beware of Propylparabens, Ethylparabens, and Butylparabens. Even a little bit of these chemicals on the skin can cause serious kidney and liver damage!
What kind of emollients should be used?
Have you noticed the greasy coating on fruits and vegetables at the supermarket? Have you ever tried to rinse it off? Next to impossible! Do you know what this coating is? It is mineral oil, or Vaseline. It is a byproduct of gasoline production. It keeps water from evaporating from fruits and vegetables. This coating increaes their shelf life. Also, it makes them look shinier and more appealing for increased sales. Most consumers have become so accustomed to it that they no longer question it. However, would you substitute baby oil for corn oil in your salad dressing? Or make your mayonaise from Vaseline? Repulsive, you say? They are not meant to be used on humans? Well, the cosmetic industry uses these very same oils as emollients. It clogs pores, does not wash away. So it rides on top of the skin, sealing it, making you think that your skin is moisturized. But this is dangerous. This is why fish and wildlife suffer and die slowly when oil tankers spill petroleum. Skin does not breathe when skin is encapsulated like this. Actually, it is like wrapping your skin with cellophane. Neither your skin breathes well, nor does it perspire.
How natural cosmetics feel?
Completely natural oils function differently on the skin than petroleum. The human body has an affinity for natural substances. They are instantly recognized by the body as something similar, and therefore slowly metabolized. That is why after a few hours a natural moisturizer will be completely absorbed by the skin and assimilated. When you begin to first use a completely natural product you will wonder why it feels like it has dissipated so quickly. In actuality, it has not disappeared, but rather it has soaked into the lower skin stratum. It will actually take quite a few repeated applications for your thirsty skin to slow down the process of lapping it up. With time you will see a marginalizing of wrinkles, a reduction of over-production of sebum, and a more even skin tone. This wonderful progress should not be interrupted by the use of something synthetic. Why, this will actually confuse the skin. It would be like eating a healthy meal,and interrupting it by eating a Twinkyl. This would certainly give you a stomach ache and the body would not be able to properly digest the wholesome food.
How to do the cuticle test.
A very effective way to test a cosmetic is by applying it to cracked and dried cuticles. Because this area of the body is so thin and sensitive, it will show you how your face will react to this product. Also, it will safeguard your face from a bad reaction to the product. At the cosmetics counter, put some cream on your cuticle and spend some time shopping in another area of the store. This will help save you from unwittingly bringing the product home. Also it will save you time and money.. If you feel a stinging sensation, similar to what you would feel from lemon juice poured on a paper cut, then this product will cause skin sensitivity. On the other hand, if you feel no stinging, but rather a soothing feeling, you can be assured that this product will welcomed by your skin. By this simple test, you will be able to quickly eliminate the majority of products which will sooner or later cause a bad reaction to your skin. (Xavier Roget)