World of Wilhan

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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

public class Runner
 private static ArrayList<String> player1StateArray; 
 private static ArrayList<String> player1CupContents;
 private static ArrayList<Integer> player1CupsDrawnFromArray;
 private static ArrayList<Integer> player1ColorDrawnFromCupArray;
 private static ArrayList<String> player2StateArray; 
 private static ArrayList<String> player2CupContents;
 private static ArrayList<Integer> player2CupsDrawnFromArray;
 private static ArrayList<Integer> player2ColorDrawnFromCupArray;
 private static int maxBeadsPerCup; 
 public static void main(String[] args)
  //Code written by Eric Leschinski, idea nabbed from O'REILLY statistics hacks
  //Hack #52.  
  //Usual disclaimer, no warranties, if it starts acting strangely, call Neo.
  //Tic Tac Toe index positions
  // 0 | 1 | 2     
  // 3 | 4 | 5 
  // 6 | 7 | 8
  //A state of the tic-tac-toe board is called a state
  //for example a state looks like this:
  // X | O |      
  // O | X |  
  //   |   |  O
  //                                                012345678
  //The above state is represented with a string:  "XO OX   O"

  //The color of the beads in the cup are represented with integer  0 through 8
  //We create states it on the fly so we don't make more than we have to.

  //1.  Whoever gets to start at Tic-tac-toe has a massive advantage to win.
  //2.  If you get to start, the best place to start is a corner.
  //3.  This application is not perfect, consider the following state,
  //    X to move:
  //      | O |  
  //   ---|---|---
  //    X | O | O
  //   ---|---|---
  //    O | X | X
  //The choices are a Loss or a Draw.  Position 2 is Draw, Position 0 is loss.
  //This algorithm punishes Player1 for draw and loss, so the choices are 
  //reduced to the minimum and the cupContents become very small.
  //The problem is that this algorithm has no concept of "given a choice between
  //loss and draw, choose draw".  It hates them both the same so it ends up
  //choosing randomly.
  //This is a list of all the states.  player1StateArray and player1CupContents are the same length.
  player1StateArray = new ArrayList<String>();
  //This is a list of the cup contents by state.
  player1CupContents = new ArrayList<String>();
  //This is a list of all the states.  player2StateArray and player2CupContents are the same length.
  player2StateArray = new ArrayList<String>();
  //This is a list of the cup contents by state.
  player2CupContents = new ArrayList<String>();
  player1CupsDrawnFromArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  player1ColorDrawnFromCupArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  player2CupsDrawnFromArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  player2ColorDrawnFromCupArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  maxBeadsPerCup = 100;    //The number of beads in a cup won't exceed this number
                           //If we put more than 100 in a cup, the new integer pushed in
                           //deletes another memory spot.
  String currentState;
  //Have two learning algorithms play against eachother a bunch of times.
  char whoWon = ' ';
  boolean player1Learns = true;  //Set one of these guys to false to see how much of an advantage learning gives you.
  boolean player2Learns = false;
  int player1Wins = 0;
  int player2Wins = 0;
  int player1Started = 0;
  int player2Started = 0;

  int counter = 0;
  //Play tic-tac-toe 4000 times:
  for(int i = 0; i < 4000; i++)
   currentState = getBlankState();
   System.out.println("============= NEW GAME =================");
   //purpose of this is to give X and O equal chances at beginning
   //new games.  Turns out whoever starts at tic-tac-toe has a 
   //massive advantage at winning the game.
   if (counter % 2 == 0)
    while (true)
     player2Started++;  //counting how often player2 got to start.
     currentState = addMarkToState(currentState, player2GetNextMove(currentState), 'O');
     whoWon = testStateSeeWhoWins(currentState);
     if (whoWon != ' ') break;
     currentState = addMarkToState(currentState, player1GetNextMove(currentState), 'X');
     whoWon = testStateSeeWhoWins(currentState);
     if (whoWon != ' ') break;
    while (true)
     player1Started++;  //counting how often player1 got to start.
     currentState = addMarkToState(currentState, player1GetNextMove(currentState), 'X');
     whoWon = testStateSeeWhoWins(currentState);
     if (whoWon != ' ') break;
     currentState = addMarkToState(currentState, player2GetNextMove(currentState), 'O');
     whoWon = testStateSeeWhoWins(currentState);
     if (whoWon != ' ') break;

   if (whoWon == 'O')
    //Reward O by adding beads to it's winning strategy group, if there are more 
    //than maxBeadsPerCup in the cup, rob from another memory location.
    //Punish X by removing beads to it's losing strategy group if there are more 
    //than maxBeadsPerCup in the cup, rob from another memory location.
    System.out.println("player2 won");
    if (player2Learns)
     for(int x = 0; x < player2CupsDrawnFromArray.size(); x++)
      player2_add_beads_to_cup(player2CupsDrawnFromArray.get(x), player2ColorDrawnFromCupArray.get(x), 8);
    if (player1Learns)
     for(int x = 0; x < player1CupsDrawnFromArray.size(); x++)
      player1RemoveBead(player1CupsDrawnFromArray.get(x), player1ColorDrawnFromCupArray.get(x), 8);
   else if (whoWon == 'X')
    //Reward X by adding beads to it's winning strategy group.if there are more 
    //than maxBeadsPerCup in the cup, rob from another memory location.
    //Punish O by removing beads to it's losing strategy group.if there are more 
    //than maxBeadsPerCup in the cup, rob from another memory location.
    System.out.println("player1 X won");
    if (player2Learns)
     for(int x = 0; x < player2CupsDrawnFromArray.size(); x++)
      player2RemoveBead(player2CupsDrawnFromArray.get(x), player2ColorDrawnFromCupArray.get(x), 8);
    if (player1Learns)
     for(int x = 0; x < player1CupsDrawnFromArray.size(); x++)
      player1_add_beads_to_cup(player1CupsDrawnFromArray.get(x), player1ColorDrawnFromCupArray.get(x), 8);
   else if (whoWon == 'D')
    //Was a draw, punish both.
    if (player2Learns)
     for(int x = 0; x < player2CupsDrawnFromArray.size(); x++)
      //Cycling through each Cup We drew from.
      player2RemoveBead(player2CupsDrawnFromArray.get(x), player2ColorDrawnFromCupArray.get(x), 9);
    if (player1Learns)
     for(int x = 0; x < player1CupsDrawnFromArray.size(); x++)
      //Cycling through each Cup We drew from.
      player1RemoveBead(player1CupsDrawnFromArray.get(x), player1ColorDrawnFromCupArray.get(x), 9);
    throw new RuntimeException("Bad response from testStateSeeWhoWins ");
  System.out.println("Player1 'X':");
  for(int x = 0; x < player1StateArray.size(); x++)
   System.out.println("X to move,  cupContents:  '" + player1CupContents.get(x) + "'");
  System.out.println("Player2 'O':");
  for(int x = 0; x < player2StateArray.size(); x++)
   System.out.println("O to move, cupContents:  '" + player2CupContents.get(x) + "'");
  System.out.println("Player1Wins 'X':  " + player1Wins);
  System.out.println("Player2Wins 'O':  " + player2Wins);
  System.out.println("Player1Started: " + player1Started);
  System.out.println("Player2Started: " + player2Started);
 public static void player1RemoveBead(int index, int beadColor, int cnt)
  //Remove bead from cup if it's there, if not, don't do anything.
  for(int x = 0; x < cnt; x++)
   if (player1CupContents.get(index).length() < 2)
   if (player1CupContents.get(index).lastIndexOf(beadColor + "") != player1CupContents.get(index).indexOf(beadColor + ""))
    player1CupContents.set(index, player1CupContents.get(index).replaceFirst(beadColor + "", ""));
 public static void player2RemoveBead(int index, int beadColor, int cnt)
  //Remove bead from cup if it's there, if not, don't do anything.
  for(int x = 0; x < cnt; x++)
   if (player2CupContents.get(index).length() < 2)
   if (player2CupContents.get(index).lastIndexOf(beadColor + "") != player2CupContents.get(index).indexOf(beadColor + ""))
    player2CupContents.set(index, player2CupContents.get(index).replaceFirst(beadColor + "", ""));
 public static void player2_add_beads_to_cup(int index, int beadColor, int cnt)
  //if there is < maxBeadsPerCup in the state, just add it
  //if more than maxBeadsPerCup, then gotta delete to make room.
  if (player2CupContents.get(index).length() < maxBeadsPerCup)
   for(int x = 0; x < cnt; x++)
    player2CupContents.set(index, player2CupContents.get(index) + beadColor);
   //need to erase some memory to make room.  Get the index of the 
   //first spot that is not beadColor, strengthening the good knowledge
   for(int x = 0; x < player2CupContents.get(index).length(); x++)
    if (Integer.parseInt(player2CupContents.get(index).charAt(x) + "") != Integer.toString(beadColor).charAt(0))
     char[] charArray = player2CupContents.get(index).toCharArray();
     charArray[x] = Integer.toString(beadColor).charAt(0);
     player2CupContents.set(index, new String(charArray));
   //if we get to this point, it means we have 100 positions full of the beadColor 
   //we want in there.  lol it seems pretty sure of itself.  Let it be.

 public static void player1_add_beads_to_cup(int index, int beadColor, int cnt)
  //if there is < maxBeadsPerCup in the state, just add it
  //if more than maxBeadsPerCup, then gotta delete to make room.
  if (beadColor < 0 || beadColor > 8)
   throw new RuntimeException("player1_add_beads_to_cup invalid beadColor: " + beadColor + beadColor + beadColor + beadColor);
  if (player1CupContents.get(index).length() < maxBeadsPerCup)
   for(int x = 0; x < cnt; x++)
    player1CupContents.set(index, player1CupContents.get(index) + beadColor);
   //If we are over the top, then we need to erase some memory to make room.
   //Get the index of the first spot that is not beadColor
   for(int x = 0; x < player1CupContents.get(index).length(); x++)
    if (Integer.parseInt(player1CupContents.get(index).charAt(x) + "") != Integer.toString(beadColor).charAt(0))
     char[] charArray = player1CupContents.get(index).toCharArray();
     charArray[x] = Integer.toString(beadColor).charAt(0); 
     player1CupContents.set(index, new String(charArray));
   //if we get to this point, it means we have 100 positions full of the beadColor 
   //we want in there.  lol it seems pretty sure of itself.  Let it be.
 public static char testStateSeeWhoWins(String state)
  //returns ' ' if nobody has won yet
  //returns 'X' if X has won.
  //returns 'O' if O has won.
  ArrayList<String> winningPositions = new ArrayList<String>();
  //If the following spots have all the same 'X' or 'O' then that wins.
  for(int x = 0; x < winningPositions.size(); x++)
   if (state.charAt(Integer.parseInt(winningPositions.get(x).charAt(0) + "")) != ' ' && state.charAt(Integer.parseInt(winningPositions.get(x).charAt(0) + "")) == state.charAt(Integer.parseInt(winningPositions.get(x).charAt(1) + "")) &&
    state.charAt(Integer.parseInt(winningPositions.get(x).charAt(1) + "")) == state.charAt(Integer.parseInt(winningPositions.get(x).charAt(2) + "")))
    return state.charAt(Integer.parseInt(winningPositions.get(x).charAt(0) + ""));
  //Test to see if it's a draw.
  if (state.contains(" ") == false)
   return 'D';
  return ' ';
 public static String addMarkToState(String state, int position, char mark)
  //This function puts mark into state at position
  if (position > 8 || position < 0)
   throw new RuntimeException("addMarkToState position out of range: " + position);
  if (mark != ' ' && mark != 'X' && mark != 'O')
   throw new RuntimeException("addMarkToState mark not correct");
  char[] charArray = state.toCharArray();
  charArray[position] = mark;
  return new String(charArray);
 public static void displayStateNicely(String state)
  System.out.println(" " + state.charAt(0) + " | " + state.charAt(1) + " | " + state.charAt(2));
  System.out.println(" " + state.charAt(3) + " | " + state.charAt(4) + " | " + state.charAt(5));
  System.out.println(" " + state.charAt(6) + " | " + state.charAt(7) + " | " + state.charAt(8));
 public static int player2GetNextMove(String currentState)
  //player 2 is always 'O' (the letter).  Given the passed in state,
  //it returns the index of where the 'O' should go to win.
  //If the state is unknown, we gotta add a default cup contents
  int stateIndex = player2_get_index_of_state(currentState);
  int randomMove = -1;
  if (testStateSeeWhoWins(currentState) != ' ')
   throw new RuntimeException("Your asking a player to move but someone has already won or there is a draw");
  if (stateIndex == -1)
   stateIndex = player2CupContents.size()-1;
  randomMove = player2_get_random_move_from_cup_contents(stateIndex);
  //We have to remember what color bead we picked from which cup so we can
  //reward or punish this player2 after we find out if we win or lose.
  return randomMove;
 public static int player1GetNextMove(String currentState)
  //player 1 is always 'X'.  Given the passed in state,
  //it returns the index of where the 'X' should go to win.
  if (testStateSeeWhoWins(currentState) != ' ')
   throw new RuntimeException("Your asking a player to move but someone has already won or there is a draw");
  //If the state is unknown, we gotta add a default cup contents
  int stateIndex = player1_get_index_of_state(currentState);
  int randomMove = -1;
  if (stateIndex == -1)
   stateIndex = player1CupContents.size()-1;
  randomMove = player1_get_random_move_from_cup_contents(stateIndex);
  //We have to remember what color bead we picked from which cup so we can
  //reward or punish this player2 after we find out if we win or lose.
  return randomMove;  

 public static int player2_get_random_move_from_cup_contents(int stateIndex)
  //returns the index of where we put our mark;
  //we know that we are X. 
  //pick a random position of this string.
  Random r = new Random();
  int randPosition = r.nextInt(player2CupContents.get(stateIndex).length());
  //System.out.println("RandPosition: '" + randPosition + "'");
  return Integer.parseInt(player2CupContents.get(stateIndex).charAt(randPosition) + "");
 public static int player1_get_random_move_from_cup_contents(int stateIndex)
  //returns the index of where we put our mark;
  //we know that we are X. 
  //pick a random position of this string.
  Random r = new Random();
  int randPosition = r.nextInt(player1CupContents.get(stateIndex).length());
  //System.out.println("RandPosition: '" + randPosition + "'");
  return Integer.parseInt(player1CupContents.get(stateIndex).charAt(randPosition) + "");
 public static int player2_get_index_of_state(String state)
  //checks  player1StateArray for our state.
  //if the state does not exist return -1;
  for(int x = 0; x < player2StateArray.size(); x++)
   if (state.equals(player2StateArray.get(x)))
    return x;
  return -1;
 public static int player1_get_index_of_state(String state)
  //checks  player1StateArray for our state.
  //if the state does not exist return -1;
  for(int x = 0; x < player1StateArray.size(); x++)
   if (state.equals(player1StateArray.get(x)))
    return x;
  return -1;
 public static String getInitialCupContentsByState(String state)
  //This is Initialization, simulates filling the cups with the
  //beads before we start teaching the algorithm.
  //The contents of the cup will be a string.
  //The maximum length of the string will be 100 characters
  //representing 100 beads.
  //0 = upper left
  //1 = upper middle
  //2 = upper right
  //3 = middle left
  //"000011112222"   means that there is a 33% chance we choose upper left spot for our mark.
  //The default cup contents are 4 beads of each valid move.

  if (testStateSeeWhoWins(state) == 'D')
   throw new RuntimeException("Error in getInitialCupContentByState, you shouldn't be looking at a state with a full board");
  String cupContents = "";
  char blank = ' ';
  int beadStartCnt = 10;
  for(int index = 0; index < state.length(); index++)
   if (state.charAt(index) == blank)
    for(int x = 0; x < beadStartCnt; x++)
     cupContents += "" + index;
  return cupContents;
 public static String getBlankState()
  //      012345678
  return "         ";
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